
Our story

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—  Our story  —

Akiyama Hopyard is a third generation family owned and operated farm. As the beer industry is developing in the state of California, it is our objective to provide brewers with ingredients that will set themselves apart from the competition. Our unique environment on the Elkhorn Slough influences the epigenetics of our plants and combines to define our distinct hop characteristics. We enjoy farming and enjoy beer, and we love being a part of the industry and our community, providing a unique product and experience.

In 1970 my grandparents, Isamu and Kiiko Akiyama purchased land on Elkhorn Road and built a carnation nursery. My grandmother Kiiko’s family had been growing carnations for two generations in Sunnyvale, which is where they both gained a majority of their experience. With the help of their two daughters, Noriko and Yoshiko, and son Ben, they were able to create a business based on quality and reliability. Together with the rich dark soil of the land and clean source of water underground, they owned and operated the nursery for 43 years before their final season of production in 2015. Now, with the help of my father Ben, we are adapting to the current market and keeping our heritage alive with the conversion of our farm into a thriving hopyard.


471 Elkhorn Road
Royal Oaks, CA 95076

By Appointment Only